No Kelompok Matakuliah Kode Nama Matakuliah SKS yang disajikan JS yang disajikan ECTS yang Disajikan ECTS yang Ditempuh Student Workload
1 A. MATAKULIAH  DASAR PENGEMBANGAN KARAKTER UNIVUM6001 Pendidikan Agama Islam (Islam Education) 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00
2 UNIVUM6002 Pendidikan Agama Protestan (Christianity Religion Study)
3 UNIVUM6003 Pendidikan Agama Katolik (Catholic Education)
4 UNIVUM6004 Pendidikan Agama Hindu (Hindu Education)
5 UNIVUM6005 Pendidikan Agama Budha (Buddhist Education)
6 UNIVUM6006 Pendidikan Agama Konghuchu (Khonghucu Education)
7 UNIVUM6014 Pendidikan Kepercayaan (Spiritual Education)
8 UNIVUM6007 Pendidikan Pancasila (Pancasila Education) 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33
9 UNIVUM6008 Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (Civic Education) 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33
10 UNIVUM6009 Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian for Scientific Purposes) 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33
11 UNIVUM6010 Manajemen Inovasi (Innovation Management) 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00
Jumlah A 12 12 19.84 19.84
12 B. MATAKULIAH KEILMUAN DAN KEAHLIAN MATAKULIAH DASAR KEILMUAN PENDIDIKAN UNIVUM6011 Pengantar Ilmu Kependidikan (Introduction to Education) 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33
13 UNIVUM6012 Perkembangan Peserta Didik (Learner Development) 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00
14 UNIVUM6013 Belajar dan Pembelajaran (Learning and Teaching) 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00
15 UKKNUM6090 Kuliah Kerja Nyata (Community Service Program) 4 16 25.55 25.55 638.67
16 UKPLUM6090 Kajian Praktek Lapangan (Field Practice Study) 4 4 6.51 6.51 162.67
17 MATAKULIAH KEAHLIAN BIDANG STUDI FFIPUM6001 Filsafat Pendidikan (Educational Philosophy) 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33
18 FFIPUM6002 Psikologi Pendidikan (Educational Psychology) 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33
19 FFIPUM6003 Sosiologi dan Antropologi Pendidikan (Sociology and Anthropology of Education) 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33
20 PPLSUM6001 Konsep Dasar PNFI  (Basic Concept of Nonformal and Informal Education) 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00
21 PPLSUM6002 Sejarah dan Filsafat PNF (History and Philosophy of Nonformal and Informal Education) 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33
22 PPLSUM6003 Pendidikan Sepanjang Hayat (Lifelong Education) 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00
23 PPLSUM6004 Psikologi Kelompok (Group Psychology) 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33
24 PPLSUM6005 Gender dalam Pendidikan (Gender in Education) 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33
25 PPLSUM6006 Pengantar Statistika (Introduction to Statistic) 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00
26 PPLSUM6007 Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif (Quantitative Research Method) 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00
27 PPLSUM6008 Metode Penelitian Kualitatif (Qualitative Research Method) 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00
28 PPLSUM6009 Metode Pembelajaran PNFI (Nonformal and Informal Learning Method) 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00
29 PPLSUM6010 Pedagogi Andragogi (Pedagogy Andragogy) 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33
30 PPLSUM6011 Teknologi Pembelajaran PNFI (Nonformal and Informal Learning Technology) 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00
31 PPLSUM6012 Pengelolaan kelembagaan PNFI (Management of Nonformal and Informal Educa-tion Institution 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00
32 PPLSUM6013 Identifikasi Kebutuhan Belajar Masyarakat (Identification of Community Learning Needs 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00
33 PPLSUM6014 Media dan Sumber Belajar Masyarakat (Media and Learning Resources) 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00
34 PPLSUM6015 Pengorganisasian Belajar Informal (Organizing of Informal Learning) 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33
35 PPLSUM6016 Pengelolaan Program PNFI (Management of Nonformal and Informal Educa-tion Program 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00
36 PPLSUM6017 Pengembangan Kurikulum PNFI (Development of Nonformal and Informal Educa-tion Curriculum 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00
37 PPLSUM6018 Profesi Tenaga Pendidik PNF (Nonformal Education Educator Profession 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33
38 PPLSUM6019 Komunikasi Sosial (Social Communication) 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33
39 PPLSUM6020 Motivasi Sosial (Social Motivation) 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33
40 PPLSUM6021 Konseling Pendidikan Keluarga (Family Education Counseling) 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00
41 PPLSUM6022 Pengembangan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Development of Community Empowerment) 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00
42 PPLSUM6023 Difusi Inovasi Pendidikan (Diffusion of Innovation in Education) 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33
43 PPLSUM6024 Kewirausahaan Sosial (Social Entrepreneurship) 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00
44 PPLSUM6025 Bahasa Inggris  Profesi (English Profession) 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33
45 PPLSUM6026 Seminar Proposal (Proposal Seminar) 3 3 4.92 4.92 123.00
46 PPLSUM6027 Karya Tulis Ilmiah (Scientific Papers) 2 2 3.33 3.33 83.33
47 PPLSUM6100 Skripsi (Sarjana’s Thesis) 6 6 9.68 9.68 242.00
Jumlah B 98 110 180.29 180.29
53 C. MATAKULIAH PEMINATAN & PENGEMBANGAN DIRI PPLSUM6028 Pemasaran Kewirausahaan Sosial (Social Entrepreneurship Marketing) 3 3 4.92 57.28 123.00
54 PPLSUM6029 Strategi Kewirausahaan Sosial (Social Entrepreneurship Strategy ) 3 3 4.92 123.00
55 PPLSUM6030 Simulasi Pembelajaraan (Learning Simulation) 3 3 4.92 123.00
56 PPLSUM6031 Kepemimpinan PNF (Nonformal Education Leadership) 2 2 3.33 83.33
57 PPLSUM6032 Managemen Diklat  (Training Management) 3 3 4.92 123.00
58 PPLSUM6034 Pengembangan Masyarakat Desa Kota (Community Development in the Village and Cities) 3 3 4.92 123.00
59 PPLSUM6035 Pengembangan Program Literasi (Literacy Program Development) 3 3 4.92 123.00
60 PPLSUM6036 Pendidikan Kepemudaan (Youth Education) 2 2 3.33 83.33
61 PPLSUM6037 Manajemen Homeschooling (Homeschooling Management) 3 3 4.92 123.00
62 PPLSUM6038 Pemanfaatan Media dan Sumber Belajar PM (Utilization  of Learning Resourses of Community Empowerment) 3 3 4.92 123.00
63 PPLSUM6039 Pengorganisasian PM (Organizing of Community Empowerment) 3 3 4.92 123.00
64 PPLSUM6040 Perencanaan PM (Design of Community Empowerment ) 3 3 4.92 123.00
65 PPLSUM6041 Evaluasi PM (Evaluation of Community Empowerment) 3 3 4.92 123.00
66 PPLSUM6042 Promosi dan Negosiasi (Promotion and Negotiation) 2 2 3.33 83.33
67 PPLSUM6043 Jejaring Kemitraan (Partnership Network) 2 2 3.33 83.33
68 PPLSUM6044 Pengembangan Kapasitas Kelembagaan (Institutional Capacity Building) 2 2 3.33 83.33
PPLSUM6045 Strategi Teknik Pemberdayaan (Empowerment Technique Strategies) 3 3 4.92 123.00
PPLSUM6046 Pemanfaatan Media dan Bahan Pelatihan (Utilization of Media and Materials Training) 3 3 4.92 123.00
PPLSUM6047 Metode dan Teknik Pelatihan (Training Methods and Techniques) 3 3 4.92 123.00
PPLSUM6048 Teknik Komunikasi dan Promosi (Promotion and Communication Technique) 2 2 3.33 83.33
PPLSUM6049 Model Pelatihan dan Kursus (Course and Training Model) 2 2 3.33 83.33
PPLSUM6050 Pengembangan kurikulum pelatihan dan kursus (Development of Course and Training Curriculum) 3 3 4.92 123.00
PPLSUM6051 Perencanaan Pelatihan dan Kursus (Training and Course Planning) 2 2 3.33 83.33
PPLSUM6052 Tatalaksana Pelatihan (Training Governance) 3 3 4.92 123.00
PPLSUM6053 Evaluasi Pelatihan dan Kursus (Training and Course Evaluation) 3 3 4.92 123.00
PPLSUM6054 Kapita Selekta Pendidikan Keluarga (Topic Selection of Family Education) 3 3 4.92 123.00
PPLSUM6055 Sosiologi dan Psikologi Keluarga (Sociology and Psycology Family) 2 2 3.33 83.33
PPLSUM6056 Pengasuhan (Parenting) 3 3 4.92 123.00
PPLSUM6057 Parenting Education (Parenting education) 3 3 4.92 123.00
PPLSUM6058 Pemanfaatan Sumber Belajar dan Media PK (Utilizaztion of Resource Learning and Media of Family Education) 3 3 4.92 123.00
PPLSUM6059 Perencanaan Program PK (Planning of Family Education) 2 2 3.33 83.33
PPLSUM6060 Tatalaksana Program PK (organizing of Family 3 3 4.92 123.00
PPLSUM6061 Evaluasi Program PK (Evaluation of Family Education Program) 2 2 3.33 83.33
Jumlah C 88 88 144.91 57.28
TOTAL  (JUMLAH A+B+C) 198 210 345.04 8626.00